Islam and the Environment: A Conceptual Analysis Based on the Qur'an and Hadith
Islam, Environment, Qur'an, HadithAbstract
This study aims to explore the concept of the environment within Islamic teachings to interpret and apply it in addressing modern environmental challenges. Through conceptual analysis and a qualitative approach, this research focuses on literature studies of the Qur'an and Hadith, utilizing both classical and contemporary interpretations to enrich the analysis. The findings reveal that the concepts of Khilafah (Caliphate) and Amanah (Trust) in Islam are highly relevant for environmental conservation in the modern era. Khilafah positions humans as Allah's representatives on earth, responsible for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, while Amanah emphasizes the moral and spiritual responsibility of humans towards nature. The Qur'an and Hadith provide guidelines for maintaining balance and avoiding excessive exploitation, forming an ethical framework for sustainable public policies and practices. However, the study also identifies challenges in implementation, such as variations in interpretation and political and economic obstacles in Muslim-majority countries. Therefore, a holistic approach involving education, law, and public policy is required to ensure that Islamic teachings on environmental preservation can be effectively implemented. In conclusion, the concepts of Khilafah and Amanah are not only theologically relevant but also practical, making them a strong foundation for sustainable environmental conservation.
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