
  • Eryna Elfasari Rangkuti Universitas Ibnu Chaldun
  • Marlin Kahi Enda Universitas Ibnu Chaldun


Jagung manis, kompos, pupuk NPK, pupuk anorganik, Sweet corn plants, compost, NPK fertilizer, anorganic fertilizer


Jagung manis semakin digemari oleh masyarakat karena memiliki rasa yang lebih manis, aroma lebih harum dan kandungan gizi yang lebih tinggi. Biji jagung manis kaya akan kandungan gula dan kalori dibandingkan dengan sayuran lainnya. Dalam 100 gram biji jagung manis segar mengandung 86 gram kalori, 2 gram serat atau sekitar 5% kebutuhan serat makan harian dan sekitar 6% kebutuhan vitamin harian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari pengaruh kombinasi pupuk kompos dan anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung manis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Benih dan Proteksi Tanam Jl. Jambore Blok Jati No.1, Ciracas, kota Jakarta Timur. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Febuari 2023 sampai dengan Mei 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan percobaan dengan 2 faktor 5 x 4 dan 3 kali ulangan yang di tempatkan dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pupuk kompos dan pupuk NPK. Setiap perlakuan di ulang tiga kali sehingga terdapat 60 satuan percobaan. Setiap percobaan terdiri dari 3 tanaman, sehingga jumlah keseluruhan 180 tanaman. Parameter pengamatan dalam penelitian ini meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, Panjang daun, jumlah bunga, diameter tongkol, panjang tongkol dan berat tongkol. Pada pengamatan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman jagung manis didapatkan bahwa tanaman yang tumbuh tinggi pada 54 HST (92,93 cm) dengan perlakuan percobaan kombinasi pemberian pupuk kompos dan pupuk NPK B4A1 (6 g, 0 g). Jumlah daun rata-rata terbanyak didapatkan pada 54 HST (10, 24) dengan perlakuan percobaan pemberian pupuk NPK 6 gram. Jumlah bunga pada umur 60 HST (11,6) Pada pemberian pupuk kandang kompos 250 gram. Pada hasil tanaman jagung manis diketahui berat tongkol pada saat panen umur 90 HST (275,84 g) pada pemberian pupuk kompos 1000 gram. Dan pada diameter tongkol (49,88 cm) pada pemberian pupuk kompos 1000 gram Sweet corn is increasingly favored by the public because it has a sweeter taste, more fragrant aroma and higher nutritional content. Sweet corn kernels are rich in sugar content and calories compared to other vegetables. In 100 grams of fresh sweet corn kernels it contains 86 grams of calories, 2 grams of fiber or about 5% of the daily dietary fiber requirement and about 6% of the daily vitamin requirement. Fertilizer is the key to soil fertility because it contains one or more elements to replace elements that are used up by plants. This study aims to determine and study the effect of a combination of compost and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of sweet corn. This research was conducted at the Plant Protection Agency, Jl. Jamboree Block Jati No.1, Ciracas, East Jakarta city. The time of the research was carried out from February 2023 to May 2023. This study used an experiment with 2 factors 5 x 4 and 3 repetitions which were placed in a Randomized Block Design (RBD). The treatment given was compost and NPK fertilizer. Each treatment was repeated three times so that there were 60 experimental units. Each experiment consisted of 3 plants, for a total of 180 plants. Parameters observed in this study included plant height, number of leaves, cob diameter, cob length and cob weight. In observing the high growth of sweet corn plants, it was found that the plants grew tall at 54 DAP (92.93 cm) with the experimental treatment of a combination of compost and NPK B4A1 fertilizer (6 g, 0 g). The highest average number of leaves was obtained at 54 DAP (10, 24) with the experimental treatment of 6 grams of NPK fertilizer. The number of flowers at the age of 60 HST (11.6) in the application of 250 grams of compost manure. On the yield of sweet corn it was known that the weight of the cobs at harvest was 90 DAP (275.84 g) when given 1000 grams of compost. And on the diameter of the cob (49.88 cm) in the application of 1000 grams of compost


