
  • Richard Fernando Universitas Ibnu Chaldun


Hipertensi, Kardiovaskular, Amlodipin, Hypertension, Cardiovascular, Amlodipine


Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan meningkatnya tekanan darah sistolik (> 140 mmHg) atau meningkatnya tekanan darah diastolik (> 90 mmHg) atau keduanya > 140/90 dan tetap tinggi selama beberapa waktu. Hipertensi dikenal secara luas sebagai penyebab munculnya penyakit kardiovaskular. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketepatan penggunaan amlodipin tahun 2009 berdasarkan standar pelayanan medis Rumah Sakit Karya Bhakti dan standar literatur. Penelitian dilakukan secara retrospektif berdasarkan data pengobatan pasien dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu pasien hipertensi rawat jalan yang mendapat terapi amlodipin tanpa kombinasi dengan antihipertensi lain tahun 2009. Analisa data dilakukan secara deskriptif cross sectional berdasarkan standar pelayanan medis di Rumah Sakit Karya Bhakti Bogor dan standar literatur yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa secara demografi tahun 2009 jumlah pasien hipertensi rawat jalan ada 142 pasien. Hasil analisis diagnosis, pasien Pre-hipertensi: 51,41%, hipertensi stage I: 33,10% dan hipertensi stage II: 15,49%. Hasil evaluasi data laboratorium hanya dilakukan pada pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta diabetes mellitus yaitu 16,90% yang dilakukan uji laboratorium. Evaluasi dosis penggunaan amlodipin untuk pengobatan hipertensi antara 2,5-10 mg/hari sesuai dengan standar literatur. Kepatuhan kontrol pasien hipertensi masih rendah yaitu hanya 49 pasien yang melakukan kontrol, pre-hipertensi: 27 pasien, hipertensi stage I: 14 pasien dan hipertensi stage II: 8 pasien


Hypertension is a condition of increased systolic blood pressure (> 140 mmHg) or increased diastolic blood pressure (> 90 mmHg) or both > 140/90 and remains high for some time. Hypertension is widely known as a cause of cardiovascular disease. This study aims to determine the accuracy of the use of amlodipine in 2009 based on medical service standards at Karya Bhakti Hospital and literature standards. The study was conducted retrospectively based on patient treatment data with inclusion criteria, namely outpatient hypertensive patients who received amlodipine therapy without combination with other antihypertensives in 2009. Data analysis was carried out descriptively cross sectional based on medical service standards at Karya Bhakti Hospital Bogor and literature standards that have been published. set. The results of the analysis show that demographically in 2009 the number of outpatient hypertension patients was 142 patients. The results of the analysis of diagnosis, patients with pre-hypertension: 51.41%, stage I hypertension: 33.10% and stage II hypertension: 15.49%. The results of the evaluation of laboratory data were only carried out in hypertensive patients with comorbidities of diabetes mellitus, namely 16.90% who underwent laboratory tests. Evaluation of the dose of amlodipine for the treatment of hypertension between 2.5-10 mg / day according to literature standards. Compliance with control of hypertension patients was still low, namely only 49 patients who did control, pre-hypertension: 27 patients, stage I hypertension: 14 patients and stage II hypertension: 8 patients

